Friday, April 15, 2011

Masculinity and Kung Fu Movies

 In this article, the point being made is that from what we see in traditional Kung Fu films, we find a skew view of what Asian masculinity is like. In most movies my by Bruce Li, we find that a the manly character is offer someone who is caught in a particular system in which the character has to fight his way out of to be his own man. What we realize though is it is possible to work your way from the bottom to become a man with power and authority. But to achieve this power and authority, you are to have a body of steal and a pride to go with it. In most Kung Fu movies, it can be argued that the body is a lethal weapon used for personal gain. So this is a skewed image of what masculinity could be because it is not realistic with how things happen in the real world. A man is not superior to another just by his brawn. 

Chan, Jachinson W. "Bruce Lee's Fictional Models of Masculinity." Men And Masculinities 2.4 (2000), 371-387.

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